Casper Chen avatar
作者:Casper Chen

🌟New Features

Improved POS Integration - Display Customer Purchase Amount🎉

In version 5.28.0, inline is rolling out a new feature that, along with POS system integration, allows restaurants to see customer’s purchase amount.<br>Through the customer card in the reservation list, restaurants can now check a customer’s total purchase amount and single visit purchase amount.

Besides the reservation list, you can also access single visit purchase amounts through customer profiles by clicking the customer’s avatar.<br>With customer’s purchase amount readily available, restaurants can now quickly monitor every customer’s purchasing power and loyalty, while enhancing service quality and CRM!

Note: This feature is only available for merchants that have integrated their POS systems with inline. For support of this feature, please contact your POS service provider and provide us the purchase amount after clearing tables.

🌟In addition, we have fixed some errors

  • For optimization, the “Today” list will now only display untreated reservations from the past 14 days

  • Fixed the issue that the audio may not be uploaded correctly

  • Show the hint when the merchant try to charge the deposit but the subAccount hasn’t set up a password

  • Add the cancel button on the transfer reservation view to avoid the customer data be merged accidentally

  • Other feature optimization and bug fixes
