Casper Chen avatar
作者:Casper Chen
3 年前已更新

🌟New Features

New and improved table map is now online!

Improved waitlist interface on the table map! Not only can you see unseated guest lists, we have added seated, finished and cancelled tabs to easily manage the waitlist status.

New search features that allows you to look up waitlist by name or telephone number, quickly and easily without switching screens.

Reservation system now syncs using API

Many restaurants have responded to the problem where the information was not synced on the tablet. We have optimized the integrated data system, making the synchronization faster on the tablet. Greatly improved user experience and not miss out any reservation.

Added a refresh button on the future reservation screen

In addition to the reservation information being synced with API, we have added a refresh button next to the calendar date. Allowing restaurant to refresh the page if they felt the status is not up to date.

🌟In addition, we have also made some optimization in this version

  • Daily list now shows cancelled queue

  • Tweaked the font of the amount displaying on the debit page

  • When loading the <strong>Version details</strong> page it will now display read status

  • Under the prepay section of <strong>Deposit management</strong> now supports pagination

  • The display range of upcoming reservation groups can be set individually for each restaurant branch

🌟Lastly, we have fixed various bugs. Wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year!
