Casper Chen avatar
作者:Casper Chen

🌟New Features

Orders overview with just a glance on the calendar!

The total number of orders will be shown clearly on each day. Upcoming orders in the 7 days will be listed on the right side of the panel too.

Toggle and Control Between Takeaway and Delivery Availability

We have built a new feature for you to control the availability for takeaway and/or delivery for the day of operation. The availability will be turned back on at 6am of the following day.

Daily Summary and Statistical Report

We have implemented a reporting feature into the app allowing you to monitor the statistics and numbers on a daily basis. What you can see in the report:

  1. Total Sales Amount

  2. Total Number of Order

  3. Total Number of Cancellation and Reasons

  4. Total Refunded Amount and Reasons

  5. Top 3 Ordered Item (Calculated based on the frequency of the item is ordered in each order, not the total quantity)

🌟In addition, we have fixed some errors

  • Some bugs have been banished
