Casper Chen avatar
作者:Casper Chen
3 年前已更新

🌟New Features

Execute full or partial refunds on orders.

With the latest version, you now have the flexibility in executing the refund, in full or partial, to the patrons on any orders. The refund will not affect and cancel the order, too.

Improved Order Acceptance Process

1. New orders created will have different colour codes to differentiate the pick-up/delivery date. Orange for today’s order; Blue for orders in the future days.

2. When new orders are received, you may now exit the screen before accepting the order, and accept it later on the “New” tab.

This could reduce the disturbance caused by the new orders, especially when you are working on other modules with inline app.

3. In the “Preparing” tab, we have broken down two categories - “Pickup in an hour” and “Pickup later”, allowing you to better manage the delivery time.

4. In “Ready” tab, we have also categorized the “Takeout” and “Delivery” orders into different sections for you to navigate easily.

5. “History” tab allows you to look for all past orders that are picked up and cancelled.

Wonder how many times the patron has ordered with you?

Identify and know who your loyal guests are. You can now identify them with the indicator underneath of the contact number and send them a thank you note or a freebie maybe?

🌟In addition, we have fixed some errors

  • Some bugs have been banished
