Casper Chen avatar
作者:Casper Chen

🌟New Features

More language support

More languages to choose from when adding new customers! Now supports Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English and Japanese. Once customer receives an SMS or answers the phone, the assigned language will be applied, allows the restaurant to have a better customer experience.

Collapsible business schedule / reservation control setting

Many restaurant owners have commented on the long display in the Business Schedules when there are over a dozen selections for business hours or online reservations.

In this version, we have adjusted the display by collapsing the older settings settings only allowing the current or future time schedule to show. If you need to view or edit the older lists simply expand the selection.

Collapsing older time schedules:

Expanding older time schedules:

New Permission Management features no need to re-enter password within a designated time

Are you tired of entering password every time you finish a task? Especially when you are performing multiple tasks? We have added a new feature [Under the same account, there is no need to re-enter password within the designated time], Allowing you to spend more time working without being interrupted to re-enter password~

🌟In Addition, we have made some optimization in this version

  • A warning will prompt if business setting overlaps

  • Show restaurant note on the deposit detail page

  • Adjust the display of customer title

  • Added “~” prefix before the Departure Time

  • Added more information icon in the customer card

  • Automatic clear table can now be controlled on the timeline to adjust meal time

🌟Lastly, we have fixed various bugs, hoping to provide smooth experience while using inline!
