Casper Chen avatar
作者:Casper Chen

🌟New Features

When modifying the length of the dining time on the timeline screen, user permission management will popup.

From the timeline screen of the reservation page, the system will now automatically popup user permission management page when modifying the dining time of guests, must select from the user list before saving the modified dining time, any modification made will be shown in the history record.

Today’s list on the table map will display the icon of the reservation platform.

From now on, no matter which platform the reservation is made, the platform information will be displayed with an icon on today's list of the reservation page.

When selecting the time on the table map it will switch to the table status of the selected time.

On the table map screen, click anywhere on the timeline past or future, will provide a preview of the guest table status, allowing easy table management for the restaurant.

🌟In addition, we have fixed some errors

  • Fixed the error message display for the restaurant when the deduction from the guest failed.

  • Repeating calls under queue mode, when the restaurant is calling the number, queue status will correctly become [notified] .

  • Under [unlimited] dining time, when the table is cleared, will correctly display empty table status.

  • Fixed the problem where 0 person reservation will appear.
