If you would like to change the text in the Note field where customer puts their booking notes, please follow the steps and refer to the images below to modify in Backhouse:
Log in to the Backhouse webpage.
From the left menu, select Descriptions > switch to Booking Page at the top.
Ensure that the selected level and company/branch name in the upper right corner are correct.
Scroll down and search for the text "Got any special requests? Leave it here!" or the field name itself to find the corresponding field:
placeholder(The search hot-key on Mac is Command + F, The search hot-key on Windows is CTRL + F)
Click Copy Default in the lower right corner of the field to edit the text, then press Save to complete the setting.
The edited result will appear in the location highlighted in the second image.
*Please Note: This setting will only apply to one language. If you would like to customize the note text in other languages as well, switch to a different language under Current Editing Level at the top and set the text separately for each language.