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Latest Versions
Noel Luo avatar
Written by Noel Luo
Updated over a week ago

v. 8.11.0

🌟 Overview:

We’ve fixed a few system glitches this week, so Host App can run smoothly.

🌟 Bug fixes:

  • Host App can now handle large volumes of waitlisted entries in Timeline view without lagging.

  • Host App will no longer crash when you tap on a patron’s dining record in Patron profile > History.

v. 8.10.0

🌟 Overview

We’ve enhanced the information displayed on the UI.

🌟 Enhancement

  • Tax ID and invoices for deposits paid through authorization holds can now be displayed in Host App.

🌟 Bug fixes

  • The patron name and party size information will no longer overlap in Timeline mode.

v 8.9.0

🌟 Overview

We’ve enhanced our preorder feature on Host App to provide more detailed preorder information and made searching for preorder menu items easier.

🌟 Enhancements

  • The latest version of the preorder form for bookings will show errors, the order’s external ID, and allow menu item searches by category.

  • We’ve improved deposit, refunds, and other payment-related texts and statuses on Host App to provide a better user experience.

v 8.8.0

🌟 Bug Fixes

  • Host App no longer crashes when you move patrons to another table in All Turns mode in Floor Plan. The app is fully adjusted to the fast-paced demands of restaurant life.



In this release, we've optimized our food order report page design and information displayed to provide a better user experience.

🌟 Enhancements:

  • We’ve refined wordings on the food order report page so they better reflect the order’s actual payment behavior and payment statuses. No more confusing wordings.

  • An order’s details will now show the actual amount received for orders and exclude the partial refund or canceled payments in the calculations to reflect the net revenue generated from the order.


🌟 New Feature

  • Add or edit waitlists with the new reservation form

We've added the redesigned reservation form to the waitlist in List mode. You can now add Service Cycles to reservations.

🌟 Bug Fixes & Refinements

  • Fixed multiple third-party membership icon issues

Are you confused by the multiple diamond icons shown on reservations? Now only one diamond appears for reservations made through a third-party platform by guests with third-party app membership. We've fixed the third-party membership icon display issue, so it will now follow the rules below:

  1. Show a diamond icon and membership type for reservations created through a third-party app by a dining guest. Only one diamond is shown when the same customer makes reservations from multiple platforms.

  2. Show no diamonds when a reservation is created by a dining guest with no membership type through a third-party platform.

  3. Show a diamond icon when the dining guest information has been imported from the Customer Management database on


🌟 New Features

Feature 1: Assign customized titles to guests

New customized title options have been added to our default selection of "Mr.", "Ms.", and "None" on our Host App reservation form. You can choose from our expanded selection of titles to formerly address dining guests based on their occupation or address them by their preferred titles. If you have any requests, please contact inline's Customer Success team.

Feature 2:Set up to 6 booking time slots per hour

We've increased the number of available booking time slots in an hour from 4 to 6, so you can boost your booking revenues with the more flexible time settings. In other words, booking time intervals are now set to every 10 minutes, compared to the previous 15 minute intervals.

👉Note: To avoid display errors when changing booking slot intervals, we recommend you set and adjust a new time module. The system will automatically clear the time slots per hour when changes are made.

Feature 3:Display waitlist table status in Timeline mode

To avoid immediately booking a waitlisted guest awaiting confirmation and releasing the guest's table by accident, we've optimized the timeline mode to show tables occupied by waitlisted guests.

Feature 4:Manage convertible waitlists in the Available category

The new Available category has been added to show all convertible waitlisted guest records. To convert a waitlist record, simply visit the Available tab.


🌟 New features

Display convertible waitlists to help you manage tables efficiently

From version 7.4.0, once there's an available table released, you can see this convertible waitlist in the booking management view and table-assigning view. Help you manage tables more efficiently to avoid overbooking or can convert a waitlist to a booking in time.

Support searching waitlists

You can search waitlists by guest name, phone number, and so on via the search feature.


🌟 New Features

Feature 1:Waitlist Auto-convert

In order to save your time, we have rolled out “Auto-convert”, which will notify patrons via SMS by first come first serve . If patron has not confirmed or paid deposit requirement in time, this table will be auto- released to the next patron in line.

1. You can go to the system settings and turn on the auto-convert.

2. With this feature turned on, restaurants can still decide which patron can be converted to a reservation, whether it is in confirming or waiting!

Feature 2 : System will refund the deposit automatically, if patrons cancel within grace period.

In this version, we will provide the function of refunding the deposit automatically to patrons if they cancel within grace period. No more manual refund!

If you have any request, please contact inline customer service directly.

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